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Members feedback
Just wanted to let you know I love your project and everything you share is so relevant to my everyday life.
Isabelle Werner
I thought I was setting boundaries but My INNER HEALTH Club has broadened my understanding, and has helped me look deep into myself & my needs.
Leemor Smith
Thanks for inspiring me everyday, daily practice guides from you have truly helped me transform my everyday life and I’ve found so much love for myself.
Levi Miller
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When you become a member, you subscribe to our monthly streaming service. This grants you access to all of our audio and video content, which covers all manner of holistic health topics and concerns – from the tiniest niggles to the broadest issues.

The knowledge, advice, tips and classes available to you come from our international network of leading health experts, practitioners and trainers. We will regularly expand on our content, covering more topics in order to provide you with everything you need to know to take back control of your own health.
When you sign up for a subscription, it begins with a free 14-day trial. After this period, your subscription will be €19.90 per month. Alternatively, you can make an annual payment of €198 and save, reducing your monthly rate to just €16.50.
Our audio and video content can only be enjoyed online. However, you can download a PDF for each audio piece and read it, instead, while offline.